Know how to get rid of jitters and do well in Tests. Effective Test Writing Tips
Be prepared; know the syllabus and the important topics in each of the subjects of the tests that you are going to appear. Organize yourself the night before and get good sleep.
Following are some test writing tips for scoring good marks in Tests:- Check that you have all the necessary things with you before you leave the house (pens, pencils, ruler, calculator, etc).
- Do take a watch so that you can time your answers.
- Leave for the test well in advance.
- Look through the paper first and mark difficult questions.
- Select the questions that will best enable you to demonstrate your knowledge to the examiner.
- Look at the marks available and read the questions carefully. Follow instructions given in the paper.
- Pace yourself and allow enough time to answer all the required questions.
- Write as neatly as possible to help the examiner to mark your work. Marking untidy writing is difficult.
- For longer answers, take a few minutes before you begin to produce a structured plan of what you are going to include in each section.
- Allow yourself ten minutes at the end to read through your answers and correct the mistakes, if any.
- Cross out anything you do not want the examiner to read (e.g. an earlier answer to a question).
- Tests are the Gateways to your final Exams; If you prepare well for your IA Tests, you will have fully prepared for the Exams also!